Tuesday, April 10, 2012

One Day Without Shoes

TOMS shoes gives one pair of shoes to a needy child every pair you buy. These actions can greatly increase the global health and well-being of mankind, seeing that there are millions of people who don't have a pair of shoes and must walk through hazardous circumstances daily. But, this can only happen if a lot of people know about these shoes and this movement. So how do you raise awareness? Well, TOMS believes advertising will do the trick, along with movements that raise awareness of these needy children. One of those movements is called One Day Without Shoes. For one whole day, you simply take off your shoes and experience what these kids go through on a daily basis and to urge other people to become a part of this movement.


Well, here's a brief overview of my adventures with no shoes:
  • 7:00 am Walk into seminary with some disgusted glares
  • 7:45 am Walk into school and stopped by devil woman assistant principal and told to go home or put on shoes
  • 8:00 am Witch lady assistant principal goes to each and every class and tells each and every teacher to write up any students not wearing shoes for defiance
  • 8:45 am Sign a petition to let all willing supporters of One Day Without Shoes actually go without shoes, and proceed to increase my respect for the makers of the petition
  • 9:30 am Sit behind a set of toms, play the toms, wearing a TOMS shirt in band
  • 10:30 am Recruit several people to the cause and join my fellow anti-shoe-ers in enlightening quite a few people, several of which bash us for supporting the cause the way we do
  • 11:00 am Recruit my English teacher to the cause of taking off shoes
  • 12:00 pm Blood-sucking beast assistant principal comes to a compromise of letting us go without shoes only in the auditorium, but not on filthy sidewalks after MANY defiant acts and MANY people arguing with her in the office. She also apologizes for freaking out
  • 12:30 pm Lots of sprinting across the courtyard to avoid getting caught
  • 4:45 pm Continuing to support and stand up for the cause via Facebook 
  • 8:00 pm Contemplating this shoe-less day and deciding it was glorious/legendary/rewarding
How was your Un Dia Sin Zapatos?