- She plays the piano beautifully and with elegance
- She has a great relationship with her family members
- She has a very good taste in fashion
- She loves the outdoors, and all of God's beautiful creations
- She has figured out a lot of things that most people have never figured out in their entire lifetime
- She is much more deep than the average 15 year old
- She is a great Christian
- She can whoop some tail in basketball, being an awesome "big girl"
- She is a devoted Gator fan, no matter what happens to them
- She has collegiate level aspirations in softball
- She was one of the very few girls who knew what they were doing and showed it during the powder puff game
- She has a super cool fort/tree house/wooden wonderland
- She is a very ambitious person
- She is incredibly intelligent
- She loves the 80's
- She has a good taste in music
- She is an excellent trumpeteer
- She is a great athlete
- She willingly runs with me
- She is different than most
- She wants people around her to make the right choices
- She is very determined in academics
- She has great morals
- She is not a hoochie
- She is beautiful
- She likes to tell me about her life
- She is one of the only people left who has remained "a good kid"
- She does not use profanity
- She hits up Goodwill on Mondays!
- She works very hard at practice
- She does what is asked of her and more
- She lets me know when I'm about to make a stupid decision
- She has no urge to have a cell phone
- She has excellent self control
- She is one of the few people who understand me
- She has never done anything immoral
- She goes about doing good things for others
- She has one of those great minds who think about ideas, rather than events or people (Eleanor Roosevelt quote)
- She and I have a great respect for Coach Wilson, the grooviest old man around
- She is hilarious
- She can spell like a beast
- She is insane
- She cares about her health
- She doesn't eat crap food
- She sees through the "superficial poo"
- She is a wonderful friend
I hope you have an amazing 15th birthday! Love you, MRT!
how sweet! what a great friend to have!